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Bus Strike January 13th 2015 (Update)

Just for completeness, I’ve updated the two graphs of the numbers of buses running on 13th January with the complete set of data up to 23:59 that night. The first graph shows the total number of buses running on Tuesday 13th (red) against the previous day (blue). The second graph shows the ratio of red/blue*100%, […] [read more]

Showing records 1 to 12 of 3445:
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London Tube Map
A map of the London Underground with geographically correct station positions taken from wikimedia.
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Viewed 106802 times


Weather Underground Air Temperatures
Weather underground air temperatures 1 June 2011 at 20:00
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Viewed 16618 times


Can read Welsh
Can read Welsh (QS206WA0004) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Skills (QS206WA)
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Viewed 8600 times


London Underground Starting Location Probabilities
Probabilities of train service creation for January 2014 data (trackernet).
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Viewed 11146 times


Can speak, read or write Welsh
Can speak, read or write Welsh (QS206WA0006) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Skills (QS206WA)
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Viewed 8077 times


Can speak, read and write Welsh
Can speak, read and write Welsh (KS207WA0007) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Skills (KS207WA)
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Viewed 7160 times


Can speak, read and write Welsh
Can speak, read and write Welsh (KS207WA0014) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Skills (KS207WA)
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Viewed 6984 times


Can speak, read and write Welsh
Can speak, read and write Welsh (KS208WA0007) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Profile (KS208WA)
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Viewed 7170 times


Can speak, read and write Welsh
Can speak, read and write Welsh (KS208WA0021) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Profile (KS208WA)
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Viewed 6535 times


Can speak, read and write Welsh
Can speak, read and write Welsh (QS207WA0007) from the 2011 Census table Welsh Language Skills (Detaiiled) (QS207WA)
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Viewed 6115 times


World Literacy
The percentage of literate people in each country.
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Viewed 14157 times


Last worked in 2011
Last worked in 2011 (QS612EW0004) from the 2011 Census table Year Last Worked (QS612EW)
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Viewed 5444 times