London Datastore: LAEI 2010 PM10 Exceedance Days (2004 met)

Map Type: GMapCreator tile layer

Data location: Unknown

Uploaded by: richard

Created: 20/05/2010 15:23:49. Viewed 1912 times. Last Viewed: 02/04/2024 10:09:41

Keywords: london datastore PM10 exceedance days 2006 2010 health

Brief Description

London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) modelled PM10 exceedance days in London for the year 2010. Calculations based on 2006 LAEI and using 2004 meteorological scenario

Detailed Information

Modelled PM10 exceedance days in London for the year 2010. Calculations are based on the 2006 London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) and use three different meteorological scenarios (2003, 2004 and 2006). The data is shown on a 20 metre grid.

NOTE: the original data is for an area 50% bigger, but the data points have had to be reduced due to size constraints in creating the Google Map.

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