Postcode District Labels

Map Type: GMapCreator tile layer

Data location: Unknown

Uploaded by: richard

Created: 08/08/2008 12:02:07. Viewed 3907 times. Last Viewed: 18/04/2024 01:37:19

Keywords: postcode district labels

Brief Description

Labels showing postcode districts in England, Scotland and Wales.

Detailed Information

This map is intended to be used as an overlay on top of other maps containing data. It shows postcode district labels for England, Scotland and Wales for 2008.

The tiles were created using a beta version of the GMapCreator to test the new labelling functionality. This feature is still experimental and there are questions over the placement of labels on complex shaped features. Labels are currently placed centred on the geometry's median, which means labels can sometimes be outside of the feature e.g. with a thin cresent shape. In practice, this method works well for real data such as postcode districts.