Railways of England, Scotland and Wales

Map Type: MapTubeD descriptor map

Data location: http://www.maptube.org/DataDrop/DataDropService.svc/37/f280dfe5-22c1-47a8-b3be-726676f9497d/data

Uploaded by: richard

Created: 19/12/2011 17:12:00. Viewed 656 times. Last Viewed: 19/04/2024 05:47:48

Keywords: railways england scotland wales os open data

Brief Description

Railways for England, Scotland and Wales from the OS Open Data shapefiles

Detailed Information

This map was compiled from the OS Open Data strategi release (19 December 2011) by joining the north and south shapefiles together to make a map covering the whole of England, Scotland and Wales. The lines form the overground rail network.