Viewshed of the Top 10% Wildest Land in Scotland

Map Type: GMapCreator tile layer

Data location: Unknown

Uploaded by: SteveCarver

Created: 17/06/2011 15:11:57. Viewed 3632 times. Last Viewed: 23/04/2024 11:58:41

Keywords: Viewshed Wildland Scotland

Brief Description

Cumulative viewshed of the top 10% wildest areas in Scotland created using Viewshed Explorer tool and 50m digital surface model. Map created in the Wildland Research Institute by Michael Markieta and Steve Carver.

Detailed Information

This map shows a cumulative viewshed of the top 10% wildest areas in Scotland created using Viewshed Explorer Beta v1.1 tool and 50m digital surface model. The viewshed parameters used include a 1.75m terrain offset for the wild land areas (eye-level height) and a 125m terrain offset for the rest of the Scottish landscape to simulate the height of a potential wind turbine. The resulting map shows the degree of visibility of the wild land areas assuming a viewing height of 125m and therefore shows those areas where new windfarms could be located without impacting on wild landscapes. Areas shown in the higher deciles could accommodate new windfarms with relatively low cumulative visual  impacts within the wild landscapes. The wild land map was created from a combination of 4 factors: perceived naturaleness of land cover, absence of modern human artefacts, rugged and challenging nature of the terrain, and remoteness from mechanised access.